Our blog

Student housing dilemma

Student housing dilemma

We are hosting the Housing Dilemma Lecture right now in cooperation with ELSA at the law faculty. Legal experts are here to give students advice and inform about their rights as tenants in Maastricht.    
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Election Results

Election Results

On the 28th of May the results were presented in the Kruithuis (SBE). NovUM is proud to state that we increased our seat amount with three (3) more seats! Both NovUM and DOPE have now twenty-two (22) seats, VOX has now one (1) seat. The council members for the academic year of 2014 – 2015 are: University Council Saeed Banaama Michael Dijkstra Bettina Geiling Lisbeth Huber Olav de Wit FASoS Anne Flotho-Liersch Lisa Hermanns James Mackle Sofia Vossen  FHML Rick Claessen Hakan Deveci Zenab Mohseni Vicky Nwos FHS Sophie Mäder Tara Merk Mariana Pelicano de Almeida FdR Gloria Bozyigit Emily Daemen Jurgen van Heertum SBE Miriam Betz Stéphanie Le Clercq Philipp Warum
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Elections 2014

Elections 2014

The 2014 UM Elections will take place between 19 and 23 May 2014. Please click on the name of a Faculty or University Council to get more information on what our Candidates' visions are! University Council FASoS FHML FHS FdR / Law SBE   Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/novummaastricht For more general information concerning the elections check the University Website http://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/web/Main/AboutUM/UMOrganisation/Elections2014.htm
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Policy Weekend 2014

NovUM had its annual Policy Weekend during the 15th and 16th of March. On Saturday we discussed our party's vision. We studied, evaluated and discussed each of our four pillars. On Sunday we looked at the different structures of student representation in  each council. We ended the weekend with a nice NovUM dinner! We found the Policy Weekend to be very fruitful and successful, therefore the board of NovUM would like to thank all who participated.  
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