FSE 2023/2024

You have elected Dani Földes, Hanna Tuckett and Eden Sharabi to represent you in the FSE Council for the academic year 2023-2024. Cheers to a year of improving student welfare!

Read the manifesto of our elected candidates for the 2023-2024!


  • Make sure FSE updates their websites that have comprehensive advice regarding tenant rights. More importantly make sure these websites are also available in ENGLISH. These websites should contain links to legal advice desks and give general guidelines on how to seek help if landlords are abusing their power.


  • More attention to mental health of students, not in the form of forced lectures but physical things. Research on meditation has shown it to for example be very effective in both reducing stress and staying focussed. By creating special silent spaces students can meditate, pray or relax for a little while without distractions. This way all kinds of students, such as neurodivergent or religious, have a space to help them achieve what they need.

Future of students:

  • Begin a series of initiatives to improve students work-experience and funding opportunities:
    • Introduce a new and improved KE initiative across UM where students can work for companies in an internship, and that adds into their credits;
    • Use money from third party donations (internships and tax deductible donations from alumni) to create an FSE wide full ride scholarships, targeting both non-eu citizens, and eastern european citizens.


  • Encourage student initiatives:
    • There should be more available funding or aid for students starting private projects and companies.
    • These can be student projects aimed at improving e.g sustainability, diversity, etc.
    • Students beginning their own companies should also be helped via certain services, and perhaps a start-up starter kit, in order to help them achieve their goals (this is also applicable to student-staff combined projects).


  • Begin to make the FSE council and Universalis/Student Boards transparent, creating a clear link/website that allows for students to observe the functions of the council and keep councilors accountable, as well as making councilors more accessible to all, after all, they are the voices for the students. ALSO, clearer application processes, avoiding nepotism.


  • Promote re-usable cups initiative, begin phasing out single use cups near coffee machines. Begin perhaps, an FSE coffee mug sale, where if you buy the portable mug (sealed) then you get a couple of free coffees. 


  • Support and further advocate for UM wide movement about ensuring the new anti-international students movement does not put a quota on the amount of international students that can enter programs such as UCM.