FPN 2020/2021

The candidate you elected as your councillor
for the academic year 2020-2021: Rana Abuzeid

Meet NovUM’s candidates for the FPN Council
and read what they stand for!

Manifesto 2020

Hello fellow students,  

Rana and Saishri here. We are second-year students at the FPN. We are motivated students who want to be elected as faculty council representatives to be able to implement change here and voice your concerns the best way possible! ?  


We want to build a committee with Dutch and international students who organize activities for better interaction between Dutch and international track. This will help students to contact peers in the other track and celebrate the international atmosphere combined with the Dutch culture at the FPN.  

Additionally, we would implement an international month in which students would represent their culture in 10-minute lectures at the beginning/at end of course lectures. 

Course evaluations are given right after exams, but we do not any further information on the same. We need more transparency about how our evaluations are taken into consideration. Moreover, the debate about multiple-choice versus open question exams would be evaluated in the evaluation form by having a question, whether the said course should be assessed with open or multiple-choice questions.  


Having student tutors is beneficial, but they might not always be as helpful, as they are as lost as us! Hence, we suggest implementing trainings which go through all tasks, to be done by the course coordinators/ staff tutors before the beginning of the course to fully prepare tutors. 

Moreover, we as students gain a lot of theoretical knowledge, but do not always have opportunities to use it in a practical manner. Yes, we have the option of doing an internship in the third year, but that is not possible for everyone. It would be helpful, if the faculty could offer more practical options for students who would allow them to apply their knowledge.

Subjectivity while correcting written assignments creates issues. Hence, we suggest having multiple correctors, as that gives grades a more objective view by taking the average of grades given by both correctors.  


Furthermore, we would like to organize an on-campus clothes collection event, where students sell used clothes at lower prices, and clothes left afterwards will be donated. We would also like to organize more lectures, programs or workshops promoting sustainability.  

Lastly, we would like to suggest longer opening hours for the Randwyck library. We are aware that the issues often arise from the residents, but the library holds several books, especially for medicine and psychology students that are not available online.