You have elected Dylan Seijmonsbergen, Mariapaola Sugliano and Hailey Halligan to represent you in the FASoS Council for the academic year 2023-2024. Cheers to a year of improving student welfare!
Read the manifesto of our elected candidates for the 2023-2024!
- Offer assistance by the student representatives with translation of documents for international students.
- Train Student Ambassadors at FASoS to inform students about housing and offer help in guiding them if needed.
- Create more awareness and opportunities for extra curriculum courses.
- Clarification of grading schemes for new students during introduction days.
- Establish a training on how PBL skills can be used post-degree.
- Encourage own equipment use by students and clarify how to separate waste.
- Add furniture to the FASoS Garden and promote these outside spaces for study and socialization.
- Improve the positive image of the faculty by displaying the achievements and impact of each study programme on a societal and local level.
- Continued events to bring the Fasos Community alive.
- Use feedback from students to create more frequent community events.