FASoS 2022/2023

You have elected Dylan Seijmonsbergen and Maaike van Uum to represent you in the FASoS Council for the academic year 2022-2023. Cheers to a year of improving student welfare!

Read the manifesto of our elected candidates for the 2022-2023

Dear FASoS Students,

Our faculty is a centre where students from all over the world come together to study the Arts and Social Sciences. We, from NovUM, see a lot of unused potential within our faculty. Because of that we, Dylan, Maaike, Niklas and Mara present you our proposals for what we want to improve in our faculty.


  • We want to create a FASoS community, as we can see at the Medical Faculty and University College where students interact and spend more time at the faculty. We want to do this through creating better study places at FASoS, projects with all the studies and organising events so you can meet your fellow Fasos students.
  • The faculty can create a help desk to support students with the translation of Dutch documents. Both peers and teaching staff should be able to help people with this.


  • Positive incentives for sustainability work far better then negative actions. For example, we would like the possibility for a discount on coffee if you bring your own cup and paper-based cups next to coffee machines. 
  • We want to include insect houses and more different kinds of flowers within the grounds of our faculty, this is good for both sustainability and biodiversity. Additionally, we also want the FASoS garden finished. 


  • On diversity and inclusivity, we want to create a safe space to talk about racism and sexism in the classroom and how to deal with it. Also, we consider decolonisation of the literature of the programs an important subject that deserves more attention. 
  • More focus on Mental Health, we want to do this through more support from students and staff regarding this subject, arts and craft sessions and training sessions on topics such as anxiety, burnout and stress.
  • We want to strive towards more uniformity in feedback and grading on assignments. We often see that tutors grade differently and give different amounts of feedback. We would prefer more consistency here. 
  • It is important to ensure that in all courses the privacy of students is always ensured, therefore we have taken action concerning the publication of grades to all participating students in a recent European Studies exam. 

Do you want to help us achieve these goals? Vote NovUM!

As we are standing to become your voices in the council towards the board of our faculty, we will not simply fight for our own ideas. We want to speak up on behalf of all students at FASoS, representing your interests. Therefore, we will need your input, by telling us your concerns and suggestions for the faculty! If you want to be represented by a team of engaged, open-minded and motivated students, vote for NovUM!