FoL 2021/2022

For the 2021-2022 academic year, you have elected Derek Paing as your student representative. Cheers to a new year of enhanced student welfare!

Check out the full results of the elections here. This page also tells you about what the councils are; so does that page. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you any questions!

Read the manifesto of our amazing candidates for the 2021 Elections


Educational concerns are at the core of everything we do. Being a multifaceted pillar that affects several aspects of the students’ everyday life, we have split our educational issues into two folds: Academic functions and well-being. 

Academic functions

  1. We want to improve the feedback mechanisms and introduce equitable grading and feedback 
  2. Offer options for minor programs and exchange opportunities abroad embedded in the bachelor degrees and advocate for a university-driven internship program
  3. Promote the transparency of the faculty council and instill mechanisms that allow the students to partake in the faculty decisions and host regular information events 
  4. Advocate for observing seats for first-year students in the council 
  5. We want to advocate for changing the gambling correction for the courses where the multiple choices are not just testing the knowledge but requiring analytical answers. 


  1. A student-driven mentor program that offers social inclusion to new students upon acceptance to their program 
  2. Encourage the continued existence of mentor classes and promote an increase in frequency for students that have received a negative BSA. 
  3. Disseminate more widely the existence of the social services that exist at the UM and enhance the projects that target the students’ well-being and enhance student inclusivity.
  4. To create more study space for ensuring an appropriate study environment 
  5. To reduce the negative effect of BSA students through positive reinforcement mechanisms and making sure it is not constantly being used as a threat tool.

Internationalism and Inclusivity

The University of Maastricht is an international university where half of the student body mass comes from countries outside of the Netherlands. We want to assist the international students before and during their stay in Maastricht to improve their overall study experience. 

  1. Introduce a language tandem programme for exchange of the wide range of languages at UM
  2. Provide coordinated information addressing all practical matters of relocation to the Netherlands upon acceptance to the faculty 
  3. Encourage the establishment of an English-run student association
  4. Make the International Student Helpdesk more available and accessible to the students 
  5. Design spaces designated for prayer in the libraries 
  6. To provide our diverse student body with various food and dietary options for inclusivity for all preferences 

Last but certainly not least

  1. Move the piano from the faculty learning space